Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Gong Baths are one of the most soothing, body detoxing holistic rejuvenating vibrational ancient tools. A gong bath or gong sound meditation is a sound massage for the body and mind (great for those of you who like the idea of a massage, but don’t like to be touched). My first experience of a sound massage was at an experimental Aphex Twin performance, I left feeling so relaxed and overwhelmed that vibrational sound could have such an effect on me. When I heard about mysterious gong baths I was intrigued by this frequency healing technique and had to try it out.
Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life ~ Ludwig van Beethoven
A gong bath is sound therapy you need to try!
In the East gongs were only reserved for royalty, but world wide sound healing has been around for thousands of years. The Aborigines in Australia have been using the didgeridoo, as a sound healing tool for over 40,000 years. They healed broken bones, muscle tears and illnesses with this intention based vibrational sounding instrument.
A Gong Bath is no different, as the sound washes over you gently and creates resonance in the body. The more I discover about myself and holistic therapies, the more I find nature, similarities across cultures and that the ancient nature based communities had it going on!
Our biology hasn’t changed much over the last couple of thousand years, but technology, social norms, lifestyles and beliefs have. I feel in the western world we have forgotten how to get in tune with our bodies, listen to what they are telling us and the wisdom that life doesn’t have to be stressful and filled with stuff.
How does a gong bath work?
Everything you see around you is vibrating at a frequency, whether we hear it or not (yes wifi and all those gadgets you love give off a frequency too).
Sound frequencies can affect us on a cellular level, influence how we feel and function. Sound healing practices like a Gong Bath uses vibrational sound and frequency to help reduce stress, alter consciousness and create a deep sense of peace and well being for better health.
To greater amplify the healing effectiveness of a Gong Bath all you need to add is your intention before a session. Adding good intentions to your everyday living is a holistic way of thinking and even though you may not believe in such things, just give it a try and you might be surprised by the results. Once you start to opening yourself up to this way of thinking and visualise a positive outcome for anything in your life (before a gong session you could visualise overcoming a health issue) the success of the outcome is intensified, because the energy of intention is a powerful tool. If you would like to read a more detailed analysis of how sound therapy works and the power of intention click here.
In a typical gong bath setting you lay down on comfy mats with a pillow and blanket over you, close your eyes and just listen to the sound of the gongs wash over you. Within 20mins your brain changes state and your body relaxes. Your body will do what it needs, from sleeping to having visualisations. When the session is over which is normally 45mins light percussion is played to help gently wake your body and energy back up. You often feel like 2mins has past or a few hours has past, either way you feel great!
It is a sound detox as the sound will last for three days in your system. You must drink lots of clean water afterwards and most people experience a happy buzz for days. For some people they might notice emotions that come to the surface, I’ve seen people who have had serious injuries not feel pain anymore and you may find your life purpose is more clear. The power of Gongs is amazing!
My experience with gong sound meditations
I love hearing the sound of live instruments, there is something about it that resonates deep into my bones. You can either lay down or sit up for a Gong Bath, the room is warm, there are pillows and blankets provided (being cosy helps you to relax) and just let the sound take you away.
I felt the vibration of the gong go through my whole body and it’s such a lovely experience to let go of all the noise and clutter in your life. When I started to awaken I felt like I had been in a really deep sleep for hours, it was a good feeling.
The Gong Bath releases toxins from your system, so it’s advised to drink lots of water after to flush them out more quickly. The Gong Bath effects can also last for the next three days, as mentioned previously and I always feel like I’ve had a major detox. On a mental level I’ve more clarity, but it will effect everyone differently.
I’ve been going to gong baths for years now, it’s become part of my self care routine. I believe it’s helped me discover many healing Eastern practices, opened my creativity centre and helped me get more clarity on how I can be of more service to the world.
Gong Baths – London Gong Sound Meditations – Australia
If you would like to know about how you can detox your body, send me a message as I have a coaching program along with a rapid results detox I facilitate worldwide.My Gong Podcast with Otto Sound Therapy